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Editors' Picks
The Bouncing Souls + Bane + Lenny Lashley's Gang of One
It seems like it’s the summer of artists dragging old relics and golden oldies out of the archives (Elvis Costello with his Spinning Songbook, the Cars with, well, themselves) and breathing new life into them. Formative ’80s punk outfit the Bouncing Souls are the next in the series (three makes a trend, people). They’re doing one better: dusting off all eight of their studio albums for a four-night booking at the Middle East. The plan? They’re going to play two full albums each night, in chronological order, until the deed is done. For those who struggle with math, trust us, that’s a shit ton of songs. Tonight kicks off the epic journey through albums of yore, plus opening sets from Lenny Lashley’s Gang Of One and Bane.
The Bouncing Souls are a punk band, formed in 1987. They are originally from New Brunswick, New Jersey. By the time they were recognized by...
The Bouncing Souls are a punk rock band from New Brunswick, New Jersey formed in 1987. By the time of their acknowledgment by the national...
There are three artists called Bane: 1) Bane is a hardcore band from Worcester, Massachusetts. They began as a side project between Aaron Dalbec (then...
Lenny Lashleys Gang of One
Lenny Lashley's Gang of One