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Editors' Picks
Against Me! + Screaming Females + Lemuria
It’s going to get pretty loud in the ’Dise tonight when Jersey ragers the Screaming Females and DIY garage punkers turned reluctant pseudo-pop punk sweethearts Against Me! take the stage. The bill is rounded out with Buffalo indie/punk outfit Lemuria. Baby, they’re anarchists.
Against Me! is a punk band originally from Naples, Florida, and later relocated to Gainesville, Florida. They are known for their heavily folk-influenced sound and...
Against Me! is a punk rock band originally from Naples, Florida, and later relocated to Gainesville, Florida. They are known for their heavily folk-influenced sound...
New Brunswick, NJ 3-piece featuring Marissa, King Mike, & Jarrett, who play an amazingly awesome brand of punk rock. Worth checking out. They are on...
There are three artists known by the name of Lemuria. 1.) A pop-punk trio from Buffalo, NY. Formed in 2004 the band have toured extensively...