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247 Elm St, Somerville, MA
| website
- Neighborhood: Davis Square
- Directions: Red Line- Davis Square at Highland Ave.
- Hours: Lunch/Dinner daily 11:30 am-9:45 pm, Bar and backroom open until 1 am most nights, Brunch Sat-Sun 10 am-3 pm
They’ve got perfectly poured pints of Guinness and beer-battered fish and chips, but the Burren takes it a step further, acknowledging elements of Irish culture unrelated to hops and barley. There’s frequent traditional music sessions in the front room, where the walls are lined with every Chieftains-related poster in existence. The pub takes its name from a vast rocky expanse in County Clare known for its bleak and barren landscape, but the warm, inviting atmosphere here — a true taste of Irish hospitality — makes that namesake seem like an ironic pick.
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