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Acquiring minds

‘Branded and On Display’ and Iván Navarro at Tufts, David Ording and Ledelle Moe at BU
Given that virtually every activity in our lives is experienced through purchases, the exhibition’s focus on branding is sure to resonate with those of us facing post-holiday bills.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 08, 2008


Waste management

‘Cornucopia’ at Montserrat, ‘Ad/Agency’ at the PRC, and Jim Lambie at the MFA
One of the essential lessons I’ve gleaned from the magazine Martha Stewart Living is that if you put together a collection of junk that’s all the same color, it’s almost always interesting to look at.
By: GREG COOK  |  January 07, 2008


We’ll fry anything

Corn Dogs + Blue Ribbons at Montserrat, Boston Does Boston at Proof, and Some Sort of Uncertainty at Axiom
The dead of winter is a great time to conjure the seedy pleasures and heady aromas of a good country fair, steeped in sheep and fried dough.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 02, 2008


Doodle bugs

Brushes with greatness
Every teen mag worth its weight in heartthrobs can tell you what your notebook doodlings reveal about your personality.
By: NINA MACLAUGHLIN  |  January 02, 2008


Fabulous faker

Zhang Daqian’s imaginary landscapes, plus “A Tradition Redefined”
It was a sublime scene, even though the seven-foot-tall painting was cracked, threadbare in places, patched in others, and dulled by a gray-brown murk.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 31, 2007


Tempo tantrum

Artists mess with time, re-enact art history, and hop up on stage in ’08
In 2008, the fourth dimension, time, steps to the fore in the art world.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  December 26, 2007


Gardner growing pains

Her will be done
Isabella Stewart Gardner’s will is explicit: the experience she choreographed for visitors to her museum must continue in perpetuity.
By: MIKE MILIARD  |  December 19, 2007


Gods and monsters — and David Hasselhoff

Art: 2007 in review
The Museum of Fine Arts did big things with Napoleon and Edward Hopper, pictures of prostitutes graced the walls of Boston’s two biggest art museums, and all hell broke loose when the Mooninites invaded.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 17, 2007



Textiles from the Wiener Werkstätte at the Busch-Reisinger, Solstice Soirée at the Gardner, Faculty Exhibition at BU, and Holiday Sale at Harvard’s Ceramics Studio
The same early-20th-century Vienna that eventually produced Freud, Schoenberg, and Wittgenstein was also the site of a renaissance in arts and crafts.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  December 11, 2007


The old neighborhood

Charles ‘Teenie’ Harris at Gallery Kayafas, plus videos at MIT
Some call Charles “Teenie” Harris’s five decades of photos of Pittsburgh one of the grandest chronicles of African-American life ever assembled.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 12, 2007



Can a striking exhibit at Harvard really make us see ancient Greek and Roman sculpture — and the roots of racism — as we never have before?
“Gods in Color: Painted Sculpture in Classical Antiquity” presents striking evidence that the white marbles were once painted in bold Technicolor.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 09, 2007


Following the evidence

‘CSI’ at the Museum of Science, plus Tom Sachs at Brandeis
“CSI: The Experience,” like a B-movie, is best if you don’t think too hard about it.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 09, 2007


Jury’s got the verdict

‘Trans’ at Atlantic Works, ‘Red’ at Cambridge Art Association, Caroline Jones and David Joselit at MIT, Ralph Gibson at BU
Two well-judged shows light up the holiday horizon.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  December 09, 2007


Promise deferred

The new ICA’s visual arts at one year
Last December 10, the Institute of Contemporary Art moved to brand new digs on the South Boston waterfront, tripling its exhibition space in the process.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 09, 2007


Land ho!

Matthew Coolidge at the Carpenter Center, ‘Ana Maria Pacheco’ at the Danforth, and the December Sale at the SMFA
The Los Angeles site of the Center for Land Use Interpretation keeps a low physical profile.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  January 28, 2010


Buying in

Consumer Culture at Montserrat, Mini Golf at Mass Art, and ‘Seek Alternate Routes’ at 119 Gallery
In late September 2001, President George W. Bush urged Americans to go shopping in support of the slumping US economy, equating purchasing with patriotism in the aftermath of 9/11.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  November 20, 2007


Sketch artists

The BCA’s ‘20th Drawing Show,’ plus Little Lulu
A man with an ax walks out onto ice crusting over part of a pond and proceeds to chop a wavy line.
By: GREG COOK  |  December 09, 2007


Apocalypse now

Cliff Evans at the Gardner, Félix González-Torres at Harvard
Empyrean is one of the rare Internet-inspired pieces with rich, complex, coherent form.
By: GREG COOK  |  November 15, 2007


Knocking on Heaven’s Door

‘Almost Paradise’ at LaMontagne Gallery, ‘Out of the Blue’ at Proof, and Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons at BU
It’s difficult to embrace the idea of Utopia these days.
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  November 13, 2007


Girls, girls, girls

Japanese ukiyo-e paintings and more at the MFA
Around 1600, after a century of civil wars, Japan settled into an era of relative peace under the samurai warriors of Edo (present-day Tokyo).
By: GREG COOK  |  November 06, 2007


Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

‘Ozspirations’ at NESAD, Icons + Altars in Newton, Glenn Ligon at Harvard, Donald Kuspit at Simmons
Those utterly disturbing flying monkeys, the little ruby-slippered feet sticking out from under the farmhouse, the freaky talking apple trees . . .
By: RANDI HOPKINS  |  November 06, 2007

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