We put a comic on the hot seat. This week's victim...
By SARA FAITH ALTERMAN | November 11, 2008
Barack Obama! President-Elect! We've been waiting for this forever! So now what?
Now we wait patiently to see how creative people get in blaming him for things that are impossible to fix in a day. We're not far off from a time when discontented McCain supporters will say things like, "Argh! I stubbed my toe! Damn you, Obama, and your move-around-my-furniture-while-I'm-sleeping ways!"Per California voters' decision on Election Day, gay people don't deserve rights (Prop. 8), but chickens do (Prop. 2). Thoughts?
Interesting priorities, California! It's disturbing to know that these bigots would have to be cannibals to worry about the rights of humans. Personally, I believe we should rally together, go to Cali, and punch the faces of people in the counties that voted for that Prop.
I'm thinking of a number between one and ten. What is it, and what does it describe?
You're thinking of the number 2.4835, because this is your favorite combination of numbers, but you added the decimal so you'd stay true to the parameters you set. Good job, you sneaky jellyfish, you!
Who would you select as members of President Obama's cabinet?
Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, John Ashcroft, Condoleezza Rice. . . . Wait — was this question not about abandoning people on a burning boat?
BARON VAUGHN | November 14-15 | 8 pm | Mottley's Comedy Club, Boston | 877.548.3237 or www.mottleyscomedy.com
California’s shame, Does not compute, Night of the living dead, More
- California’s shame
Equal marriage rights suffers a setback, but there is hope. Plus, young voters.
- Does not compute
Will our next president be a geek hero or a guy who doesn’t e-mail?
- Night of the living dead
What if the election doesn’t end on Election Day?
- Rise of the political bogeyman
Impotent on the issues, the GOP turns to scare tactics. Be afraid!
- Maverick in a mess
If McCain loses, is it the mainstream media's fault?
- Debatable
Can Obama show grit? Will he connect? Can McCain stop lying? Will he remember?
- Long national nightmare
What if all the pundits, pollsters, and press are (gasp!) wrong about Obama’s chances?
- Suffrage net city
The Web has become key to presidential politics — we rate the candidates on how they’ve put Al Gore’s invention to use
- Two many Americas
Could an Obama administration mean an end to the red-state/blue-state divide?
- Odium at the podium
This year, with such a close contest, the debates could have an impact like never before. Here’s what to watch for.
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, Barack Obama, comedian, Condoleezza Rice, More
, Barack Obama, comedian, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, John McCain, Karl Rove, Mottley's Comedy Club, Paul Wolfowitz, Less